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Splitting Tracks in Audacity

1 min read

Sometimes you need to split a track to insert or adjust audio segments. This guide will show you how to split, move, and manage tracks in Audacity.

How to Split a Track: #

Step 1: Place the Cursor
Move your cursor to the exact point on the track where you want to make the split.

Step 2: Split the Track
Press Ctrl + I (Cmd + I on Mac). This will create a solid line indicating the split.

Step 3: Move the Split Audio
Click the Time Shift Tool and slide the split section of the track to create an open space.

Inserting Audio Between Split Sections: #

Step 1: Copy and Paste Audio
Use the Selection Tool to highlight the desired audio from another track. Press Ctrl + C (Cmd + C on Mac) to copy.

Step 2: Insert the Audio
Return to the original track and use the Time Shift Tool to slide the split section further apart. Place the cursor at the insertion point and press Ctrl + V (Cmd + V on Mac) to paste.

Step 3: Reposition and Adjust
Use the Time Shift Tool to slide the segments together seamlessly.

Adjusting Track View: #

To view the entire track, go to View > Track Size > Fit to Width.

Splitting Stereo Tracks: #

Step 1: Create Mono Tracks
Click the drop-down arrow in the track’s panel and select Split Stereo Track. This will create two independent mono tracks.

Step 2: Move Mono Tracks Independently
Use the Time Shift Tool to move each mono track as needed.

Step 3: Recombine Tracks
To merge the tracks back together, click the drop-down menu on one track and select Make Stereo Track.

By following these steps, you can split, manage, and manipulate your tracks to insert or adjust audio sections efficiently.