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How to Translate Audio or Video Files to English

1 min read

The tool provides a seamless way to translate audio or video files in different languages directly into English. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Set Up the Translation Project #

  1. Create a New Project: Click the button to start a new project.
  2. Name Your Project: Enter a name for your project (e.g., “Translate to English”).
  3. Enable the Translation Option: Check the option labeled “Translate to English” to activate the translation feature.

Step 2: Upload Your Audio or Video File #

  1. Select the file you want to translate (audio or video). Ensure the file is in a supported format and does not exceed the size limit.
  2. Choose a file in a language other than English. For example, a file in French.
  3. Import the selected file into the project by clicking the Upload button.

Step 3: Translate the File #

  1. Click the Proceed to Next Step button to begin the translation process.
  2. The tool will transcribe the content of the file and translate it directly into English.
  3. Once the process is complete, the translated text will be displayed.

Step 4: Use the Translated Text #

  1. Review the translated text to ensure accuracy.
  2. Use the translated content as a base for creating new articles, scripts, or other types of content.

This feature simplifies the process of translating non-English audio or video files, making it a valuable tool for multilingual content creation.