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Integrating Telegram with 365 Days AI

2 min read

Step-by-Step Integration Process

Access Telegram Web.

Open your browser and navigate to Telegram Web. Log in.

Create Your Telegram Bot

In the search bar, type BotFather and select the official BotFather with a verified checkmark.

Start a conversation with BotFather by clicking on “Start”.

Create a new bot by typing /newbot and follow the prompts or by clicking on /newbot in the comment. 

You will need to give your bot a name 

And a unique username.

Retrieve Your New Bot Token

After creating your bot, BotFather will provide you with an API token. Save this token as you will need it to configure your bot in 365 Days AI.

Go back to 365 Days AI >> Plan >> Automation

Select “Telegram”, paste the token, and click “Authorize App”

Once the app is authorized, it will ask you for a ‘chat ID” 

Here’s how to find it:

Open the Telegram desktop application (this step is easier to perform on the desktop version).

If you haven’t already, create a group chat in Telegram or use an existing one.

Add your newly created bot to the group chat.

Send any message in the group after adding your bot.

Right-click on the message you sent and click Copy Message Link.

The link will look something like this:

Decompose the link: The pattern is{group_chat_id}/{group_topic_id}/{message_id}.

Extract the group_chat_id and prefix it with -100 (Telegram’s convention for group chats). For example, if your chat ID is 194xxxx987, then use -100194xxxx987 as your Chat ID.

Test the Integration

Conduct a test by sending a message from 365 Days AI to ensure the integration works correctly.

Check your Telegram group chat to see if the message is posted successfully.